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What is FRESCA!?

Festival FRESCA! Is back! With new dates (we’re in July this year), in a new home in the city (in the Plaza de Toros… without the bulls, you didn’t expect the bulls did you?!), but with the same spirit and with more energy…if that’s possible.

Dance, circus, theatre, clowns and acrobats. From near and from far away, but always the highest quality performances. Anyway, no one can say that this offering doesn’t interest them, because in FRESCA! there is something for everyone.
We are fresh, and have created a programme full of energy, laughter and, why not, tears too. But tears that move and speak to you on another level.
We want to be with you, whether you’re on holiday or you’re working. It doesn’t matter to us. What we want, is to see you. And to feel you. And then you can tell us how it all was.
Do you dare?

The FRESCA! Programme

Complete FRESCA!

Where are we?

We didn’t know where to choose, so we stayed with the sun and shade of the Plaza de Toros. In the heart of our city. Very close to everything: gardens, public transport, ice cream parlors and cafeterias…

When will we be with you?

From 7th to the 17th of July 7, in the Plaza de Toros. That’s it, this year. The coming one. We don’t know. We like surprises. What we can say for certain is that it will be in summer, in the FRESCA!.