⇨ Saturday 9th July
⇨ 22:30
⇨ Dance
⇨ 60 minutes
The Show
With 25 years of experience, Aracaladanza, directed by Enrique Cabrera, is a benchmark in the creation of shows for children and young people that also seduce adults.
In its new work, Loop, the company starts with the idea of the game to develop its fascinating universe, in which the magic created with choreography, light, costumes and scenery transforms reality.
What remains of a performance after the applause ends, just as the curtain falls? What is left when just a light illuminates a space? And when there is no one left in the stalls, who picks up and tidies the stage?
What is an empty stage like?
Aracaladanza tries to answer all these questions through a stage that is presented as a blank canvas, and where the main idea is to create a piece of theatre within the theatre, and dance within dance; a metatheatrical game, Aracaladanza’s trademark.
The show is here as part of FRESCA! so we can include the whole family as much as possible, without losing sight of the adult who wants to dream forever.
The Company
In the last five years, the company has raised the curtain on numerous occasions; visiting international festivals in Africa, Europe and Asia. The company has maintained a close collaboration with Argentine theatre and puppet companies and has performed on stages in many different countries.
National Theatre Award for Children and Youth in 2010, for its commitment to the public and its aesthetic, artistic and technical demands. The most recent recognition is the Feten award (European Fair for Performing Arts for Boys and Girls) 2022 for the best dance show, precisely with Loop.
Recognised by critics and winner of various Max awards, Aracaladanza is a regular at international dance festivals all over the world. In addition, the company has performed at two of the most prestigious dance venues in Europe, Sadler’s Wells in London and the Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona.
Artistic Credits
Idea & Director: Enrique Cabrera
Choreography: Enrique Cabrera in collaboration with the performers
Performers: Raquel de la Plaza, Carolina Arija, Jorge Brea, Jonatan de Luis i Jimena Trueba
Cover: Elena García
Original Music: Luis Miguel Cobo
Scenography and Wardrobe Design: Elisa Sanz
Lighting Design: Pedro Yagüe
Tickets for FRESCA! are now available at taquilla.ivc.gva.es and in the Teatre Arniches box office. This year, we’ve also created a bonus ticket REFRESC, so you can see three shows for 45€. More information can be found at taquilla.ivc.gva.es
Avda. de Aguilera, 1. 03007 Alicante.
Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 14.00.
Thursday in May & June from 17.30 to 20.00.
On the 4th and 11th of July, the box office opens from 10:00 to 14:00.
Plaza de España, 7 – 8, 03012, Alicante.
From 7th to 17th of July tickets are available two hours before showtime.